Yes. Nothing good ever comes out of the use of one. It pretty much invites spirits to come into your house, including inhuman/demonic ones. There's been cases where someones' bed caught on fire after using one.
For the skeptics - Wanna try it?
"The History of the Ouija Board
In 1892, William Fuld became the owner of the Kennard Novelty Company, which had developed the final form of the talking board. He then renamed it the Ouija Novelty Company. Fuld was such an enthusiastic promoter, even claiming that he had invented and named the board, that his name is still associated with it, and its actual originators are mostly forgotten.
Capitalizing on public fascination with the exotic and mysterious far east, Fuld declared that Ouija was the Egyptian word for good luck. It's more likely, however, that he derived the name from the Moroccan city of Oujda.
Fuld went on to sell millions of talking boards, as well as other toys and novelties. In spite of fierce competition from other toy makers, his company dominated the market for 35 years.
Thanks to his own talent for sensationalizing a simple toy, his death in 1927 was turned into a lasting legend. His fall from the factory roof while doing repairs was rumored to have been a suicide, and to this day that story is still circulated as fact.
After his death his family decided to sell the company to Parker Brothers who still produce the board to this day, and own all rights to this board.
People who have faith in the Quija board believe that this board is a doorway to another plain of existence and due to this can put the user in great danger from malevolent spirits. Most people say that if you are going to use one of these boards you should place a silver coin on the board and this will not allow any evil spirits to pass over to our realm.
We at T.A.P.S do not endorse the use of these boards.
Those people who choose to use these boards are asked to stop right now due to the possabiltie in the future of them having a paranormal situation due to these boards." - Jason Hawes
Yes. Nothing good ever comes out of the use of one. It pretty much invites spirits to come into your house, including inhuman/demonic ones. There's been cases where someones' bed caught on fire after using one.
For the skeptics - Wanna try it?
-- Edited by Psy at 22:27, 2007-08-08 they scary do they come from making a board?
Yes. Nothing good ever comes out of the use of one. It pretty much invites spirits to come into your house, including inhuman/demonic ones. There's been cases where someones' bed caught on fire after using one.
For the skeptics - Wanna try it?
-- Edited by Psy at 22:27, 2007-08-08 they scary do they come from making a board?
Someone who I know (and also happen to hate.) used one. wasn't a demonic one, but when it threatened her she..found it humourous. o: how interesting. she asked the it the usual stupid questions, "whats my nameee? ;D" (I better not answer that one.. if you know what i mean..XDD hehe sorry that was hard to resist.) and apparently it opened the door. I'm sure she still uses it, and one day I'm sure she's nottt going to get a nice one. If she stills uses it.
My mom's friends were also using it once, don't know what happened though.