I can't wait till September 28th :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Cause that's when Three Days Grace (Along with Breaking Benjamin and special guests Seether and Skillet :B) come to Charlotte OMG :DDD And I'm going to see them wooooo -runs in triangles-
WOOOO *boom*
XD but that's about it :B Oh wait...one more thing XD The week before the concert, my parents and I are heading up north near the North Carlolina/Virginia border for like...a few days :D We're staying in this cabin near the mountains it's gonna be AWESOME woo I'll get so many awesome pics when I go so i can show pplz :B
lolo and that's about all that's happening in my life for the next few months that's exciting XD
OK I admit it, yes. XD If you are tired of me about talking of the same guy then ignore my post. :]
OK, my one of my REAL LIFE best friends, who's name is Ashley, said that her dad (Who is a church Pastor) is Alex's best friend. I talked to her about how much money Alex asks to invite him somewhere alone or with his band. She says the cost is high, but she will ask him anyway. I really hope that him alone is a low price. I want him to be at my 15th birthday party... so I think you get the idea :D
And... nothing else :D
just came by to say goodbye. Leaving this place for good. Psycho sucks. Bye.
My birthday in 4 days. I already got my present (laptop :o) but my parents probably have some sort of surprise for me :P I don't care if they don't though. XD