NEW PEECTURES!!!:D BERDS! MUR BERDS! OKAY,WATS WEEF DA BERDS?????XD LOVE. Thats awesome,neighbors across' house. LOVES. Thats beautiful.FAV. Correction.FAVORITE. Thats nice,I like how the shadows are there. BERDS AGAN!>:( LOVE O_O He was flying away. I LUV THAT ONE,The camera made the suns rays turn Pink!:O DA SUN. Thats amazing,I have so many favorites. I love this one. KEETY,My moms BFS cat. Thats nice My moms BFs Truck.
DATS EET.>:( U like?
OMG, thank you so much PL!!I LOVE that picture! This is Maya without the 10.
Yeah well I cant walk up to the sun. Or run acroos the street,I'd scare the berds. Thanks neways. Anyone else?
I didn't mean the sun, that's why I put it AFTERWORDS. I'm sure you could have gotton a bit closer, you seemed awfully far away. Maybe when you were done, you could have snuck up. That way even if they flew away, you may have gotton some better pictures. But never use digital zoom, it ruins the pictures.
LOVE. FAVORITE. Wai hewo thar mojo!^_^ We were on a huge mountain with a beautiful veiw,mojo and gwen loved it. LOVE this,Mojo on the mountain but with a wounderful veiw. He was tired.XD
FAVORITE.EVER.That is a beautiful house man.
A little island. I'm pretty sure the beach down there is called MoonLight Beach.
Old Yeller the 2nd. Love that pic of Mojo. Wai hewo thar. Nice. Love that one. I like that. Tree stump.
Man winters coming,fall leaves already... Wai hewo gweny. LOVE.
RUNRUNRUNRUN!!!!! Best friends.
I love that
that too
Dumb hydro lines.
LOLOL,pink ghost.
XD fourwheelers in background. :P
MMMMMM mushrooms.XDD
Moonlight beach.I went swimming there that day.YES it was freezing cold.XD
Gwenaveir went in too. SWIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
Thats all folks!!!
OMG, thank you so much PL!!I LOVE that picture! This is Maya without the 10.