Hmm, hard pick. Cally makes me think of flowers but Gracie makes me think of.. some kind of.. noodle soup. And I want to eat it so bad. If it makes you think of soup, and you want it, don't go with it.
Now you need a third name that sounds like chocolate. Chocolate > all. Stefani makes me think of chocolate. It's a great name for chocolate and guinea pigs. Name it Stefani and feed it chocolate. Melted chocolate. No hersheys bars. Melted chocolate. Only Hershey's if you melt it.
otha names: - Holly - Bulma (right off teh top of me head lol) - STAMPY - Stef - Ani >:( - Annie - Rebecca
Annie's a good one. Doesn't make me think of anything. :0 Flowers or nothing... Nothing > flowers, really, go with Annie. Or Rebecca. Makes me think of chocolate. Okay, so you have 2 chocolates. So you need to reeally think... What chocolate, in your mind, looks better? Stefani or Rebecca? I think Rebecca, Stefani looks like dark chocolate and the lady I envision looks pretty mad, like "MY NAME IS STEFANI!" D: