Aww poor girl. I remember when I found out that Jessie got ran over by a car after we gave her away. I cried. But to see your own dog get killed....ecspecially for a little kid thats sad. I bet she is happy though that she got Pretzal :) They are all so cute if I could have another Yorkie I'd buy one XP Lucy gorgeous as well.
Love the new pictures :)
"What are you going to do, poke her with a stick? Dude you're not going to poke her with a stick!"
Pinky:'s terrible. but i'm happy for her. :P Aww! :] I'm honored. He reminds me SO FREAKING MUCH of Roxy. XD
IWN: I know it...ugh. It's sad to even think about.
Nickie: D: yeah
Guess what though, guys? I got a call from the lady, and she told me that he's doing GREAT! She said at 1st he was really scared, and kept shaking and whining, but they had pizza for dinner, and he REALLY wanted it, and he kept trying to get some, and so they started playing with him, and he warmed up to them. Now he's all settled in! And the husband went to the car dealership to trade in his truck for another car, and he took Pretzal with him for a drive! He said he did really good, and kept looking out the window. :P I'm so happy for him..he's going to be SO happy with them. Plus the lady gave me her email address, and promised to send pictures soon. :]
So everything is good. ^_^
I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.
^_^ Thanks everyone. I have new lucy pictures on my lappy...dunno when I'll get around to uploading them. >.> Everything's busy here around this time of year.
I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.