Tell me salty food. I NEED salt. This is not a craving, this is a serious thing. I need salt, not because I want to, if my blood pressure goes low I gotta go to the hospital and all that stuff. Please name food. Already eating crackers, but I need more.
If you want to know why I'm eating salt, just PM/IM me. I just need every last bit of salt.
Would fast food have salt? Pretzels? Chips? SOMETHING? Seriously I'm FRANTIC. I'm not having salt because I want to. I don't have pretzels or chips. I need something to keep up my pressure or else today is gonna be the day from h***.
There is meds but it'd make me vomit all day. So since it's either vomiting or feeling like I'm gonna faint, I dunno which is worse. So, salt. Eating salt IS making me feel like I'm gonna vomit, but it's better than the hospital. Does anyone have recommendations of salty drinks? I cannot stay with crackers because I srsly feel like..
I'm gonna be eating salt all day. Salt, salt, salt. If I don't eat salt I feel scared.
Alright, well here's the story. I needed to take meds, and I accidently took my DAD's meds, because the bottles look the same, and the meds themselves look EXACTLY the same. High blood pressure meds. It LOWERS your blood pressure. If it gets low, I gotta go to the hospital and get my stomach pumped and probably stay there. So I need to eat every last bit of salt. If I eat salt, it'll keep my blood pressure higher. I'd say right now I'm doing a pretty good job, but I'm gonna be eating salt all day. I'd go back to sleep but I'm too scared to. It's 11:00, so there's not many more hours of this to go. I don't think the meds will last that long, I'd say the strongest point in the meds would either be right now or in about an hour. Considering I took the med at like 9. I need someone to get me all hyped up, or hyper. Or someone tick me off. I need something to get it even higher. I wish I had yoshida chicken, that stuff is insanely salty. I need something with salt, before it takes affect. And when it does, it'd gonna be complete war inside of me, no joke. I feel fine now besides being tired which really does not help. ._. Low blood pressure can be more dangerous than you think -- don't google the symtoms. o.o (I wish I never did. o-o)
I'm pretty sure pizza has salt...pickles..bacon... Bread as a little..not that much...uhmm...breakfast cereal does I'm pretty sure...that's all I know of besides pretzels, chips, and crackers...sorry hope I helped some...
Because if you haven't you really need to. Srsly. Your parents will probably help more than us anyways, And if they were sleeping or something, this is an emergency, so wake them up. Plz, we don't want you to be in danger and your parents can help more than you think.
-- Edited by CollarGirl at 12:04, 2007-10-21
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).
Just watch out if I get dizzy or feel like I'm gonna faint, but that doesn't look like it's gonna happen, considering there's something with medicine that ALWAYS makes me hyper. Every medicine I take makes me hyper. o.0 XD