wow datz kewl (I wub this one, it's very neat and clean)
What focal length do you use for these? The wide end for the better aperture, or the telephoto end for the distance? Getting water on your lens must not be fun (filter to the rescue?).
I have it set to 55mm when I do these. The aperture isn't a problem, even at 55mm I lower it to a smaller aperture.
yup, filter And I needed to clean it anyways so it wasn't a big deal when I got it wet. It was only a few drops, and that's because I was making kinda big splashes... normally there'd be just micro-droplets on it.
and ty
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
But tomorrow we get our christmas tree at that farm again - u no, this place down thar
so i might take pics there but idk :( I used a tiny invisible camera back then, people will look at me funny now and I don't like being looked at funny :( so I might not :( maybe I'll sneak around if it's not crouded there. or carry my camera bag like a man-purse and hide my camera and pretend im gay by saying words like FAAABULOUS and TERRIFIC and stuff
anyway, i lied heres the pics
Those were taken indoors with flash btw and i took pics of the smiley-faced moon (ROTTY DID TOO WTF)... most of them were RAWs and I currently dont have RAW software installed, but I took a few jpegs.
OMGWTF guys look at those two UFOs on the top left AND LOOK AT THE MOON This is proof that aliens are real. Two UFOs and the moon shaking violently.....TOO BIG TO BE A COINCIDINK. Skeptics, just TRY to prove me wrong.
I tried to take christmasy photos too, they didn't really turn out good. Even though it was daytime and I turned on all the lights around me it was underexposed, and a tripod would be out of the question - can't position it right next to the christmas light. So longer exposures were just blurs.
I like that though.
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
Frederick-Alan-Grier wrote:I used a tiny invisible camera back then, people will look at me funny now and I don't like being looked at funny :( so I might not :(
I thought I was the only one! lolol I hate that. :( They don't look at people funny when they're taking picutres of themselves for myspaceeee, but if you're taking pictures of other things they look at you all, "what r u, a freaking tourist? >:|" And then there's the birds. D: The ones that I don't see often around here that I feel I absolutely must take a picture of always land right in front of a freaking window. And then it looks like I'm taking pictures in someone's window. :( So I don't. And then I'm all, "THAT WAS A CEDAR WAXWING. D:::: I NEVER SEE THEM AROUND HERE." So lately I've been trying to just do what I feel like and not worry about the stupid people staring because, in the long run, who cares? I can't say I've been doing especially well with keeping up this mentallity, but it's a start.. eh, I was gonna say more and rant longer, but that'll suffice. Oh, and I love your moon pictures with the water tower in them. They're purdeh. =p
But dude, weird looks can be so funny. :( I'll always remember when I was shooting an Amish barn, and the couple came out and looked at me oddly and asked "What so special 'bout our barn?" Awesome pictures, I wish I'd photographed it. :(
I like the flower ones and the Christmas light ones :D
thx guis There might not be much to take pics of. It's really cloudy (maybe it will rain) so the scenery is bland, and that's all the place had going for it last year.
they dont feel bad for postin pics on myspace because all the "cool" kids do it :(
-- Edited by Frederick-Alan-Grier at 15:46, 2008-12-13
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome