Yeah. o: I have their newest CD. :D They're got some really good songs. ^^ Favoritees? Hmmm... "Come Right Out and Say It" "Forgivin" "The Best Thing" "Faking My Own Suicide" (amazing lyrics!)
Those are my favorite on their new Cd..other favorites would bee.. "Getting Into You" "Be My Escape"
:D Give 'em a listen, to ANNYBODY who hasn't. xD They rawk ur sawks.
Faking My Own Suicide sounds good. :P
-- Edited by Sonic204 at 16:58, 2007-11-06
Yeah. :D When my Mom first saw it she was like "......DELETE THAT ONE!!!" Then i made her listen to it, "OH THATS CLEVER!!" XD
Oolol. Yeah. It sounds know. But it probably isn't.
Yeah, they're pretty good. I like some of their older songs, and their newer ones. My favorite has to be "Faking My Own Suicide". I'm not emo. ._.
They were the first band I ever listened to and ever really cared at all for. This was back in... 2003? Yeah, I've been listening to them for that long. I've got 5 of their albums :D
never actually listened to one of THEIR songs. only the priates who dont do anything. and i love the vocals in that. its HILARIOUS XD I think i might get some of their music, i hear good stuff about them =o
I love them. They've been my overall favorite band for a few years now. Their newest CD is AMAZING. My favorite ever. Ya, I know, I never talk about how much I like them but thats how I am =o
My pain and all the trouble caused, no matter how long, I believe that there's hope buried beneath it all.