He's getting better at this, but whenever someone walks through the door he gets all excited and jumps up on people. Not in a mean matter, in happy-to-see-you way XD But it gets really annoying after awhile ._.
same! XD
Sucks, doesn't it? XD
Except Sarge is a bigger dog, so its harder lol. And his nails are really sharp, they grow so fast, and it hurts.bad. XD But we're gonna trim them again soon.
I mean, he doesn't try to scratch people, he just gets so hyper XD
yeah ._. when i take my shoes off he drags them away...XDDD
Mac's bark is extremly high. And he's not potty-trained. He pee's inside, everyday. WE LET HIM OUT ENOUGH..he just always does it inside too. I don't get it. >.>
Bo is big so he can reach the table without making a bit of an effort, byebye dinner. :)