Holly - jumps on strangers. she's really good with us, and won't jump, but when other people come over her huge talons rip people to pieces. ;__; otherwise she's really good. she's almost a year old now, and i've NEVER heard her bark..never. and she's pretty well house broken. she loves other dogs, and people. her shedding really is the only negative thing about her. but she's a husky, what can you expect? xD
Dixie - she licks me CONSTANTLY. she will NOT stop. if she's not licking my face because she's excited, she's laying on my lap licking my hand over and over and over and over and over and...yeah. XD it's like a weird nervous habit thing. she also isn't house trained, and pees everywhere. even if i have a puppy pad down, she pees right next to it >_> but she does go on it, she just chooses when she's going to and when she's not.
Lucy - she barks SO freaking loud if someone comes over. it's like...scary. XD GROWN MEN have literally backed away from her, scared. XDD and same thing with the house training. she will go on the puppy pads, but then she'll like randomly go on the floor because she feels like it. ._.
I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.
Holly - jumps on strangers. she's really good with us, and won't jump, but when other people come over her huge talons rip people to pieces. ;__; otherwise she's really good. she's almost a year old now, and i've NEVER heard her bark..never. and she's pretty well house broken. she loves other dogs, and people. her shedding really is the only negative thing about her. but she's a husky, what can you expect? xD
Dixie - she licks me CONSTANTLY. she will NOT stop. if she's not licking my face because she's excited, she's laying on my lap licking my hand over and over and over and over and over and...yeah. XD it's like a weird nervous habit thing. she also isn't house trained, and pees everywhere. even if i have a puppy pad down, she pees right next to it >_> but she does go on it, she just chooses when she's going to and when she's not.
Lucy - she barks SO freaking loud if someone comes over. it's like...scary. XD GROWN MEN have literally backed away from her, scared. XDD and same thing with the house training. she will go on the puppy pads, but then she'll like randomly go on the floor because she feels like it. ._.
same!!!!! -_- except i dont have puppy pads XD he goes outside too