I had a dream about riding a wolf. It was attacking, I guess, and I was trying to get away, so I got onto its back. But it almost bit me, so I tried to scream for help, but no sound would come out. Then it felt like something punched my stomach so I woke up! Another time was I was being kidnapped, and tried to scream but no sound would come out either. =P
Another time was I was being kidnapped, and tried to scream but no sound would come out either. =P
there were other dreams as well, but not what I would really want to talk about.
Last night I had a dream where a bunch of my friends turned against me and were chasing me to an edge of a cliff. Then this one girl who hates me for some reason runs and pushes me off and it actually felt like I was falling, so I woke up. It was creepy. And random at the same time. lol.
"When the chips are down, these civilized people, they'll eat each other." - Joker
Last night I had a dream where a bunch of my friends turned against me and were chasing me to an edge of a cliff. Then this one girl who hates me for some reason runs and pushes me off and it actually felt like I was falling, so I woke up. It was creepy. And random at the same time. lol.
Speaking of which I had a dream last year that everyone on NKC was chasing me down with pitchforks and torches. "KILL PSY KILL PSY"
I've also had dreams of clowns, which I'm really afraid of, by the way. One dream I had, there was this evil clown out to kill some people, then it turned into my grandma, sitting at the dinning room table! Then in another one, another evil clown turned into a dancing pumpkin head with a weird outfit on...
I've also had dreams of clowns, which I'm really afraid of, by the way. One dream I had, there was this evil clown out to kill some people, then it turned into my grandma, sitting at the dinning room table! Then in another one, another evil clown turned into a dancing pumpkin head with a weird outfit on...
Alot of people were mad at me back then :0) (drama land 2006 anayone?)
Wow, those are some freeeeeaky dreams. O_O I think the one that felt the most real (Wich, BTW, I had a few nights ago) was one where we were going to my grandma's house but it wasn't like her house at all. We drove through really tall trees and my grandma had a HUGE yard with only grass WITH A ROLLER COASTER. Me and my bro. fell asleep, and we were having the same dream. About being on a roller coaster. When we woke up, we were actually on the roller coaster! We looked down only to see our whole family (including cousins and aunts and uncles) were laughing. They wanted us to go on with them, but we wouldn't wake up. Then, later on in the dream a tornado came and me, my brother, and my cousin squished inside a cabinet and I actually felt squashed.
I woke up wanting to ride a roller coaster.xD
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