Helloz. I made this review a while ago for Gamespot. I'm gonna edit it a bit and re-post it. Follow the rules of the board, please. This review will have..very few good things to say about Nintendogs.
Part One: Dog Selections
Well, there are some good dogs here, but not that many good choices. First off, unlocking dogs? Um..no. If it were easier, I'd say go for it. I've had Nintendogs since it came out and I still haven't unlocked the Jack Russel or the Dalmation. Second, I think the dogs should grow up, and not be puppies for..ever. It's un-realistic. Sure, OMG, dogs respond to your voice. It's programed into the game. It's not that amazing. Excuse me for my opinion :0)
Part Two: "Nintendogs 2"
No. No is all I have to say. What part of "No" do you not understand? It just wouldn't work. Why? I'll tell you why.
(1).A virtual pet game does NOT have a sequel. [I got owned here, Petz has tons of sequels.] (2).We have enough already. Dalmation and Friends was just pointless. And Best Friends? Beh. (3).If they did make another, it wouldn't have a "2" in front of it. [Wrong again.]
Part Three: Nintendogs Wii
Heaven forbid. I just said no to Nintendogs 2, what do you expect here? This just wouldn't work either. What would you use the Wii mote for? Grabbing poop and placing it on a sack icon on the screen? Seriously, I'm trying my best not to be negative but I'm getting a kick out of people talking about how it would seriously be a big hit.
But sadly, it probably would be.
Part Four: Realness
Honestly, I don't think it's very realistic. The dogs don't grow up, it's not really realistic. The dogs are pretty realistic looking, but everything else..no. As I said in the beginning, graphics are OK, realness is blah, and um...moving on.
Part Five: Closing
Finally, I'm done. In closing I'd like to say that Nintendogs overall, stinks. I'll give it a final rating of.....2/10. *People throw tomatoes at me* If you are a person looking for a new game do NOT get Nintendogs. Get something different. If you're a fan of Virtual Pet games, then sure, go for it.
I don't agree with some of what was said. Nintendogs 2 for the DS would be totally pointless, yes. But for the Wii? Sounds like it would be great because you could move the Wiimote to pet your puppy. Good reveiw, though.