Ngal: XDD No, it's a lady's face. XD And the left arm is from the glare.
Collar: That's just her hair line. And it looks feathered because I cut it out from a picture.
PL16: Hehehehe....
So.....Here goes nothing!
The right is the original picture. The left is after I (attempted) to edit it so her mouth was closed and she looked paler. I'm using it for a banner, so I need to know whether I should mess with her face some more.
Thanks for opinions everyone, and more opinions are welcomed!
Interessting. xD She looks very pale, almost unnatural. ;P
I know. XD
In the book she's a character from, someone asks how she's from Phoenix and is sooo pale, and she says, "My mom's part albino." And they believe her. XDDD