they're thikning of ways to improve the electric chair.
which was invented by a dentist actually :)
Really? o.O
Patient: That chair looks...outdated Dentist: Oh don't worry, da electric wirez and stuff are just for show. Ya know. So we get more newspaper headings Patient: ... Okay. I'm gonna go sit down now. and back away o.o
*patient sits in chair and dentist secretly hits switch*
Patient: Wtf. It sounds like the chair is charging up. SINCE WHEN DO CHAIRS CHARGE UP? D: Dentist: All chairs in Canda do dat. Der. Patient: ...... Dentist: FIRE! Patient: WHERE? o.o Dentist: WHOOPS THERE GOES MY HAND AND THERE GOEZ DA SWITCH. ZIP ZAP AND AWAY YOU GO >=D
Okay..I'm done. That was the stupidest thing you will read tonight. That was just my theory on what happened when the dentist used that chair ^^
Dentists are cool though. Dey Gangsta
-- Edited by Puppylover16 at 23:35, 2007-12-08
O.O Correct U are
.... :|
I'm sorry, but whoever thinks I'm overeacting is crazy. I'm almost over the edge.
A_L why? Thats basically calling me stupid. I was being sarcastic, maybe trying to get a smile on someones face but I guess not. You REALLY need to think before you post alright?
You're lucky I'm so forgiving. Someone else would be going off the deep end with you. I am SICK of this. Okay? All I am is nice to you and this is how I get repayed?
Ugh, honestly what do I have to do to not be picked on? I'm done with taking stuff from everyone. Its not fair.
Oh and btw I'm not flaming you.I'm just speaking my mind for once. I don't really do that often. I just want a LITTLE respect. Thats it. All I'm asking. Rememer what I said to you. Think if you were in my postition. Think before you post. This is a very kind post compared to other people might have said.
Thanks. Once again, all I want is maybe an apology or something. PM me or whatever And if this post gets deleted then I will be dissapointed. Because all I'm doing is trying to get my point across
My pain and all the trouble caused, no matter how long, I believe that there's hope buried beneath it all.
I was joking, really. I forgot to add someting onto it and I am sorry but yes, if I edit it then there's no use. I personally am risking the fact of leaving this place......................I spend a lot of time crying here anyway. So, I'm probably ganna go crying again because I did the wrong thing. AGAIN. I know you're forgiving, and I know other ppl would be so ticked off they'd pop........But..........No way to fix it now.
I personally would close this if I were an admin.
I was joking, really. I forgot to add someting onto it and I am sorry but yes, if I edit it then there's no use. I personally am risking the fact of leaving this place......................I spend a lot of time crying here anyway. So, I'm probably ganna go crying again because I did the wrong thing. AGAIN. I know you're forgiving, and I know other ppl would be so ticked off they'd pop........But..........No way to fix it now.
I was joking, really. I forgot to add someting onto it and I am sorry but yes, if I edit it then there's no use. I personally am risking the fact of leaving this place......................I spend a lot of time crying here anyway. So, I'm probably ganna go crying again because I did the wrong thing. AGAIN. I know you're forgiving, and I know other ppl would be so ticked off they'd pop........But..........No way to fix it now.
I personally would close this if I were an admin.
Well, adding that bit of kidding in your post would've helped. At least everyone knows how I feel now. Plllllease remember what I said. Don't leave and don't cry. Its okay.
[end of discussion here. PM me if more needed]
@PuppyCat- Seriously?XDD
My pain and all the trouble caused, no matter how long, I believe that there's hope buried beneath it all.