@IWN and anyone else who said DUN FLAEM!:*flameflameflameflame*
Anyways, I have a whole folder in my documents called "Rants."
Flame dousers, complaints, opinionated posts, and even plain old rants. You name it, the folder's got it.
I rants...About anything. Anyone see my rant on the "voting" thread? Yeah, I was feeling pretty POed about a bunch of stuff that day.
And don't say that this thread isn't about Pup. EVERYTHING is about pup. I have enough pup rants that there is a whole SECTION in the folder for pup issues.
And since we're on the topic of pup...I now restate that I dispise, hate, cringe at the name of, spit on the shoes of, "fart in the general direction of," have the urge to utterly crush in some insane, painful way, [insert something else offensive here] pupparazzi. I knew that since I first set eyes on it, so long ago, when I saw, but didn't join, the old NKC. I thought the idea was pretty insane, especially that it overtook all other boards by thousands upon thousands of posts.
[insert *voting thread* rant here] For those who haven't read it....Here.
I don't like Puparazzi.
I said it.
I'll make my point very clear. If you want to post your dogs, post them in your picture thread.
First point: It's too favorable. Personally, I don't even visit the board, but I clearly remember a time not too far ago....Back in...January or so...Where I posted Riley's thread. At the same time as someone else. We had roughly the same amount of pictures. But within two days of both of us not updating. 4 pages. Not MY thread though. My thread barely passed 1 page. That felt bad. The thread soon died, and I didn't bother updating it with so few even reading it.
That's why I don't post on Artistic creations. I KNOW it's either all or nothing. So I read every thread and every post, but say nothing. Unless, of course, they post the new Mona Lisa or something. Not pointing fingers. *cough*
The post count. ALL of the people that are frequenters there....Are....Ummm....Never mind. But, look at it, it has over 9000 posts (how many posts? OVER 9000!!@@#@#*?^@&!) And well ahhh....There are only 74 threads. Which means a couple threads dominate the rest (not pointing fingers, again, but I may or may not be in my head) and all others are sort of dust in the wind. Yeah. Dust in wind=Not cool thing to have and/or be.
And lastly....Just a random off topic side note that I'm going to get out while I'm ranting...Ummm....I don't know how to put this NICELY....In most places, when certain people post *cough* it goes completely ignored unless it's mean, nasty, as long as this, and/or against the rules. That's not cool.
We have to do my camp structure. It wasn't even a rule. It just WAS. We treated everyone the same, no matter what, and if we had something against them we kept it to ourselves, and didn't hold anything against or for anyone. We spent time with anyone who asked. And it was well....A sisterhood, sort of. But I know it'll never happen here.
Just food for thought.
Ban me, delete this account. Delete the post for all I-...Care. I have it saved in my documents, and I'll keep posting it till the idea rocks your brain and you can't help but see it through.
Hey, I said "I'd keep posting it till the idea rocked your brain and you couldn't help but see it through," and I plan to keep that promise.
You have no idea.
I was a MAJOR PO fequenter. Yes, there were many crap threads, but to tell you the truth, that place have 300% better discussion than we have here. And overall higher quality threads. And when there was spam, if it was disgusting, we reported it and moved on, (well mostly...) and if it was funny, we might post and take a few pictures with my favorite button in the world, PRINT SCREEN WOOOO! *cough* Back onto the topic.
Don't insult the thing that to my sad disappointment, was my life. And taken away. Seriously. Especially, because no matter how hard you try, however much you want it to, this place will never, ever, in your wildest dreams, be anything LIKE Nsider or PO for that matter.
Phew, that was a nice rant right there....
Hmm...What else is there to talk about?
Ah yes, favoritism.
Much like many common diseases, favoritism isn't going away anytime soon, BUT it can be prevented, and have less cases of it.
And if we got rid of everyone that favored, there would be only a select handful left.
Favoritism comes with friendship. So, no friends? Yeah. Like THAT's gonna happen.
Since I don't feel like going on as long as I could with this, I won't.
Just a random side note...
One of many pet peeves of the NNKC...
I can't stand it when people call each other by their first names.
First, I don't know who's who, so it gets very confusing.
Second, it feels like I'm not being included in something, something big. I call people inside joke names at times, but only sometimes, and when we're just fooling around. But in something controversal like this, not so much.
Third, it's just plain annoying. I AGREE WIT ALLLLY! Who.....Is Ally? If Ally is THIS person, I can't believe they just agreed with them, their point is completely insane. If Ally is THIS OTHER person, I can totally understand their point, I agree with "Ally" too. But if Ally is THIS PERSON....And it goes on. XP
Just a point.
Wow this is long...Wow. 0_0
On Word, with all the spacing, and the spoiler opened, 3 pages. 0_0
Yeah, it wans't really about Pupp. ;D But that's already been pointed out.
I belive that the favoring is not anybody's fault. it's just somewhat a shame in a way. Peronsally, I don't reply anywhere. I don't find it very fun to look at other's people's puppy pictures and say "OMG THATS SOOO CUTE OMG OMG OMG" It's just plain boring to me. I don't bother. But others do, and IWN, ITS NOT YOUR FAULT. ITS NOT ANYONE'S FAULT. Nobody favors on purpose.
What is favoring exactly? It's quite basically only thinking of the people who are your bestest buddies, the ones who have great art skills, etc. Mostly teh friends thing though. What sucks is that new people don't get a chance. I am probablly one of the least popular ppl on here. Somehow, I still feel barely noticed. Not as much as before, but still. >_>
What stinkz is all of the newcomers are soo freakin nice. And the ppl here are all like: "Oh, hi, welcome to teh forums!" And then they leave and forget about them for teh rest of their forum career. That is just...wierd. And we ALL DO IT. Humans are stupid people.
I'm getting very sick of favoring around here. Srsly. Some people's threads only get looked at, no matter what the topic, just because they're so called "popular". Nobody can control popularity, and it's not fair, but I'm not pointing fingers becaus eit cannot be controlled. But even so, it's about the stupidest thing that's ever been created.
^ wut she said
Woah, I think some people in here need to take a chill pill or two. No one's "upset", no one is flaming, people are discussing what could make the forum better. Let's cool it down a little, yeah?
No one says it's anyone's fault that people favore other threads. Sonic was referring to my thread getting moved down while the others were active; did I point the finger at IWN or anyone? No, I don't really mind. It doesn't surprise me that people are favoring other people, I've been aware that that's what NKC does for a long while now. I'm not saying "UR THRED MOR POPULER THEN MINE!!!!!!!! >_>" because I know that it's because I don't post pictures of my dogs every day. andcuzno1leixme*kry*
About the Pupparazi thing, in my OPINION (I know I shouldn't say that, but it's getting awfully tense in this thread, yeah?) I think it's... Can't really think of a word for it, but what's the point in posting pictures of your dog every day and having the same people say the same thing every time? "Cute." "Thanks." "Heres more." "Cute. Thanks." I won't encourage or discourage the idea of deleting the board. I'm indifferent about it. If it goes, okay, if it doesn't then that's wonderful for us all. I'm terribly sorry for taking the time to give a respectful idea of merging Pupparazi with the Photography board.
To me that was a good idea, but if everyone's going to get all defensive about it then fine. BTW, isn't the board name "Pupparazi" a knock-off of "Paparazzi"? Let's have a look at what a paparazzi is, yes?
"A freelance photographer who pursues celebrities trying to take candid photographs of them to sell to newspapers or magazines"
Huh. So taking pictures of celebrities is considered photography; well then, so is taking pictures of animals. And that is why I think it would fit fine as, at least, a sub-board in Photographer's Corner. With, of course, a new rule "DOENT KRITICIZE PIX" to prevent chaos. Again, discouraging the idea or encouraging? Neither. I don't care.
Funny that alot of these posts in here are sneakily directed at me... Now that this is all cleared up, let's turn the heat down shall we?
smiley fight
completely agreed. Entire post. Both of them.
I am glad the favorism is finally getting to be known, but all of you quit blaming it on yourself, please. None of us are saying "oh it's ~pL~/IWN/labby/orca's fault!!!" No.
but actually psy I was the one suggesting the merging boards. XD
And I only said that because you all say that it's dog photography. Hence photography. Well, since it IS dog photography to you people, I didn't see the total stupidity in merging boards. I do not consider it photography, I just don't. That's an opinion, and I was respecting yours by stating that, FYI. And you call it stupid. Alright then. [I just got a little crazy with that..]
I'm the same as Psy, I don't care either way, but ya.
EDIT: I'm not fighting off your opinion, but I'm just stating why I said it in the first place.
Yeah, it wans't really about Pupp. ;D But that's already been pointed out.
I belive that the favoring is not anybody's fault. it's just somewhat a shame in a way. Peronsally, I don't reply anywhere. I don't find it very fun to look at other's people's puppy pictures and say "OMG THATS SOOO CUTE OMG OMG OMG" It's just plain boring to me. I don't bother. But others do, and IWN, ITS NOT YOUR FAULT. ITS NOT ANYONE'S FAULT. Nobody favors on purpose.
What is favoring exactly? It's quite basically only thinking of the people who are your bestest buddies, the ones who have great art skills, etc. Mostly teh friends thing though. What sucks is that new people don't get a chance. I am probablly one of the least popular ppl on here. Somehow, I still feel barely noticed. Not as much as before, but still. >_>
What stinkz is all of the newcomers are soo freakin nice. And the ppl here are all like: "Oh, hi, welcome to teh forums!" And then they leave and forget about them for teh rest of their forum career. That is just...wierd. And we ALL DO IT. Humans are stupid people.
I'm getting very sick of favoring around here. Srsly. Some people's threads only get looked at, no matter what the topic, just because they're so called "popular". Nobody can control popularity, and it's not fair, but I'm not pointing fingers becaus eit cannot be controlled. But even so, it's about the stupidest thing that's ever been created.
^ wut she said
Woah, I think some people in here need to take a chill pill or two. No one's "upset", no one is flaming, people are discussing what could make the forum better. Let's cool it down a little, yeah?
No one says it's anyone's fault that people favore other threads. Sonic was referring to my thread getting moved down while the others were active; did I point the finger at IWN or anyone? No, I don't really mind. It doesn't surprise me that people are favoring other people, I've been aware that that's what NKC does for a long while now. I'm not saying "UR THRED MOR POPULER THEN MINE!!!!!!!! >_>" because I know that it's because I don't post pictures of my dogs every day. andcuzno1leixme*kry*
About the Pupparazi thing, in my OPINION (I know I shouldn't say that, but it's getting awfully tense in this thread, yeah?) I think it's... Can't really think of a word for it, but what's the point in posting pictures of your dog every day and having the same people say the same thing every time? "Cute." "Thanks." "Heres more." "Cute. Thanks." I won't encourage or discourage the idea of deleting the board. I'm indifferent about it. If it goes, okay, if it doesn't then that's wonderful for us all. I'm terribly sorry for taking the time to give a respectful idea of merging Pupparazi with the Photography board.
To me that was a good idea, but if everyone's going to get all defensive about it then fine. BTW, isn't the board name "Pupparazi" a knock-off of "Paparazzi"? Let's have a look at what a paparazzi is, yes?
"A freelance photographer who pursues celebrities trying to take candid photographs of them to sell to newspapers or magazines"
Huh. So taking pictures of celebrities is considered photography; well then, so is taking pictures of animals. And that is why I think it would fit fine as, at least, a sub-board in Photographer's Corner. With, of course, a new rule "DOENT KRITICIZE PIX" to prevent chaos. Again, discouraging the idea or encouraging? Neither. I don't care.
Funny that alot of these posts in here are sneakily directed at me... Now that this is all cleared up, let's turn the heat down shall we?
smiley fight
completely agreed. Entire post. Both of them.
I am glad the favorism is finally getting to be known, but all of you quit blaming it on yourself, please. None of us are saying "oh it's ~pL~/IWN/labby/orca's fault!!!" No.
but actually psy I was the one suggesting the merging boards. XD
And I only said that because you all say that it's dog photography. Hence photography. Well, since it IS dog photography to you people, I didn't see the total stupidity in merging boards. I do not consider it photography, I just don't. That's an opinion, and I was respecting yours by stating that, FYI. And you call it stupid. Alright then. [I just got a little crazy with that..]
I'm the same as Psy, I don't care either way, but ya.
Listen folks, it's not leaving anytime soon. It's what makes this forum this forum, in a sense. Personally though, I'd like critique, because that's what I need to improve. If you don't want to improve..alright. I don't really understand that, but whatever that's me. Honestly guys, stop this arguing..it's driving me insane.
Listen folks, it's not leaving anytime soon. It's what makes this forum this forum, in a sense. Personally though, I'd like critique, because that's what I need to improve. If you don't want to improve..alright. I don't really understand that, but whatever that's me. Honestly guys, stop this arguing..it's driving me insane.
Listen folks, it's not leaving anytime soon. It's what makes this forum this forum, in a sense. Personally though, I'd like critique, because that's what I need to improve. If you don't want to improve..alright. I don't really understand that, but whatever that's me. Honestly guys, stop this arguing..it's driving me insane.
We knew it wasn't leaving.
What gave you the idea we thought it was? o_O
Pupp isn't EVER leaving. >___>
~PL~ post, I don't even know how these things get started half the time.
I agree with Sonic and DM4. I mean, some of these threads on the Off-Topic board are literally only posted in by 2 users. As in, it's like having a whole conversation that you could have through PM, but on a board.
And the favoring is terrible. I just don't know anymore.. I actually rarely go on Pupparazi because I feel as if I should post in everyone's threads, instead of just doing what I normally do, checking out completely random threads. Artistic Creations isn't too bad. It's mainly the Photography board, Sig Shops and Galleries, and Pupparazi.
But it's human nature to favor. We all do it, believe it or not. And I have a feeling that we're not the only forum who does. It's the internet, whether we like it or not. Now let's just chill about this problem. It's not at all like Nsider, Nsider had even worse favoring, plus an incredible amount of SPAM and flame wars.