Ponylover wrote:Wow dude.. heh, thanks, srsly XD Good job making it :D smart idea using the Pony Express since my [nick]name is pony :P
Wow dude.. heh, thanks, srsly XD Good job making it :D smart idea using the Pony Express since my [nick]name is pony :P
ur welcomethxya
IWN wrote:XDDThose are good XDYou're seriously good at it. xDAnd the humor in them make me laugh :D
XDDThose are good XDYou're seriously good at it. xDAnd the humor in them make me laugh :D
NintendoGirl10 wrote:nice job. XDyou're good at it, seriously. xD
nice job. XDyou're good at it, seriously. xD
Ponylover wrote:dude.. sweeeet :PYou're good at it - nice. :D
dude.. sweeeet :PYou're good at it - nice. :D
thx u ponyi hope i dun get suedxD