-Being shy/quiet. Where I used to live, people were always teasing me about how quiet I am. It's that stuff that justs sends me in deeper. I hate it because it's really hard to get over. Some of the "popular" kids would sometimes call me a freak because of it. :/ Mmhm...sure. Where I live now, people actually think I'm cool [I honestly don't see why. :P]. Back then I didn't have the confidence to fight back though.
-Not having friends. Again, this was where I used to live. I'm the kind of person where it's hard to become close to people. So I was always quiet. Just because of that, no one tried to get to know me. That's my fault I guess. Still today, my dad makes fun of me for not having friends. :/ I just laugh at him and say "Sure, you keep thinking that." Because now I have a ton of friends. :D
"When the chips are down, these civilized people, they'll eat each other." - Joker
-Being nerdy (it's something I take pride in, so I don't mind) -Annoying people with my constant "your mom"/"your face" comebacks -My opinion on the whole "omg we're 13 and can't drive but let's 'go out' n e wayz k!!!" thing -Hating the PSP -Sucking at math (it's my worst subject D:)
-liking Miley Cyrus/ Hannah montana music -liking penguins so much -being shy
There are plenty of other stuff. I'm seriously made fun of everyday, especially for the music I like because they like singers that are uninspirational and bad examples, like Britney Spears. >_>
-Hanging out with boys (They used to be my only friends) -Having short hair (I seriously CANNOT tell you how many TIMES I've been called a boy. Not only by other teens. I've had parents, waiters, and other adults mistake me. :] My hair isn't even that short anymore and yet I'm being called a boy ololz) -Not having any friends what so ever -Not listening to/watching Hannah Montana -Being tall -Not wearing make-up -Not wearing what's 'in' -And apparently wearing what's 'out' xD -Liking Panic! At The Disco -Liking Fall Out Boy (:]) -Playing Softball -The fact I almost never play video games/watch TV -The fact I spend my whole day on the computer with music blaring into my head -Having blonde hair (It's not THAT blonde. It's a dirty blonde/ brownish color...)
Yeah but whatever...if I'm being made fun of because what I look like or what music I listen to then I'm being made fun of. I don't really care if people think I'm weird or ugly...that's just life for ya...
YAY! SOMEWHERE TO RANT ABOUT JUNIORS!!! (Sorry, anyone who's a junior.) I don't know if this counts as being made fun of. (They were making fun of me in their minds. >:|) The juniors at my school have absolutely no manners whatsoever. I walked into Trig on Friday and they stared at me. They didn't just glance over at me; they openly gawked at me. For example, when I was reading my book and I looked up and this one girl was staring at me, as if she thought I was in the wrong room and she could stare me out. o.0 So I look up at her, and she doesn't even look away; she just continues to ogle at me completely unfazed, like I'm a freaking monkey at the zoo, not a freshman. >_< Didn't their parents teach them it's impolite to stare? Sorry for my little rant. (I love to rant, just in case someone hasn't noticed yet.)
As for actually making fun of me verbally, just for being nerdy and being a math freak. :D
-tries to resist the temptation to rant about how my calculator won't graph circles because it would be suuuuper off topic-
-I LOVE being around boys, I feel so comfortable. Other girls make fun of that. -That I hate makeup. -That I hate shoppings. Like, going all "O.M.G. AHHH ALL DA NEW KLOTHZ ON SHALE OMG OMG LEWK AT DIZ ITS LIKE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!! -buybuybuybuyafterawhiletheyspent$1000bucksandthentheyarecryingtheireyesoutwiththeirdadsbecausetheyarespoiledbratswhothinktheydeserveeverything.- -That I'm obsessed with Alex Campos/wolves/penguins/guitars. -They make fun of what do I wear, sometimes. -They make fun when I said something wrong. I get so ticked off my God. -When I sing everyone laughs. I don't care anyways, I'll pwn them at singing when I take singing lessons.
Argh, had to let it out.
just came by to say goodbye. Leaving this place for good. Psycho sucks. Bye.
-I LOVE being around boys, I feel so comfortable. Other girls make fun of that. -That I hate makeup. -That I hate shoppings. Like, going all "O.M.G. AHHH ALL DA NEW KLOTHZ ON SHALE OMG OMG LEWK AT DIZ ITS LIKE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!! -buybuybuybuyafterawhiletheyspent$1000bucksandthentheyarecryingtheireyesoutwiththeirdadsbecausetheyarespoiledbratswhothinktheydeserveeverything.- -That I'm obsessed with Alex Campos/wolves/penguins/guitars. -They make fun of what do I wear, sometimes. -They make fun when I said something wrong. I get so ticked off my God. -When I sing everyone laughs. I don't care anyways, I'll pwn them at singing when I take singing lessons.
Argh, had to let it out.
WOOT. I love guys, I feel so comfortable with them. Proubly because I love football, hockey, and baseball. Multiple people have told me "You shoulda been a guy!" XD I'd much rather talk about sports than who is winning American Idol, or whatever girls talk about now-a-days. I wear sports shirts, 24/7. Most are blue, gray or green. Boys don't care what I look like, they just care if I'm up to play a game of dodgeball. :)
@ Shopping. AGREED. I hate that. I go somewhere with a purpose. Tomorrow I'm going somewhere with a friend, I'm looking for one CD, that's IT. We'll browse, but I won't get anything. XD I'm saving, and when I save I SAVE. It also really bugs me when people get something without researching but that's a wholee 'nother rant. :) XD