DISCLAIMER, READ: Mac lovers or Vista haters, I'm looking straight in your eye. Whether you say it nicely or not, I do not want you posting here. Just click back, and post else where. Thank you.
Anyway, with that out of the way..
Despite the fact my birthday isn't until August, I'm supposed to be getting a Vista laptop for my B-Day. I want "Congrats"s, not "lul veesta sux get max".
Thx u!
Any suggestions on which one to recommend to my mom? Home, Premium, etc. I wanna get the best Vista.
Again, AGAIN, if you're going to bash, insult, or even SAY ANYTHING negative about Vista, go away kthxbai
Well, I have Home I believe and it's alright. I run into more problems with the parental controls. XD I love the way it puts the pictures, and I just like the sleekness of it in some ways. :P It's good, it's not perfect though. xD I'd proubly get Vista if I got a laptop, depends how big the hardrive on the laptop is gonna be though. :P
Well, I have Home I believe and it's alright. I run into more problems with the parental controls. XD I love the way it puts the pictures, and I just like the sleekness of it in some ways. :P It's good, it's not perfect though. xD I'd proubly get Vista if I got a laptop, depends how big the hardrive on the laptop is gonna be though. :P
If you want lots of "congrats"'s, make some all-obeying robots. ;D
You'll want to make sure you're equipped to deal with Vista's... extra baggage (best way I could put it) with at least 2GB of RAM and a decent graphics card if you want to run Aero. And if you want more speed, get a version of Vista that supports 64-bit processing. Business or higher should offer you that, but most computers come with Home Premium.
Also, I think the backlash on Vista has been so bad some manufacturers were offering a downgrade to XP, but I'll have to dig around for that.
I have Vista, and I (to this point) have no complaints. It's quite nice, but the little quirky things make it quite the annoyance. But congrats on getting a laptop, that's always a good thing!
I WOULD reccomend what my brother is getting, but it's on the tad bit more expensive side because he's spoiled. XP
I have home or basic.. I don't know exactly which kind.
Agreed with Lock.. He knows more than I do, but I do know what he's talking about.
If you have extra, you're computer will probably stay fast.
I have a C Drive the total size of 363 GB, and I have numerous programs requiring either add-ons or things like that - Terragen and GIMP, which require brushes and ATMs - my computer is still fast, even with.. I dont know how many GIMP brushes, and Terragen files/.ATM's, Worlds, etc.. Still works like I got it yesterday. I still have 292 GBs left with MSN, TG, TG2 Tech. Preview, ATMs/worlds etc., MSN, Trilly, and 2 [large] games. I still have almost 300 GBs left even with all that.
If the price throws you off then hold up, but if you want to spend alot of money then go for it; this seems to have the same specs (and appearance) as my laptop, however I got mine for a total of $660 (+$20 for a case) at Best Buy. I looked on their website and I can't find it 'cuz they're disorganized, but I'm sure they still have it if not a better version.
Alot of people agree that Vista Home Premium is a good Vista if not the best. This computer isn't the best for running Vista determining by specs, but I ran it just fine - I only (upgraded?) downgraded to XP because things will run better and I'm more used to XP. The only thing you'll miss is the looks, but you can just find some vista wallpapers/transformation pack somewhere and hallelujah if you don't get a virus.
I was very impressed by it considering how cheap it was - can't get any better at that price. One thing I noticed though is that it gets very hot if you're using Vista. I thought this would be kinda unsafe; when I downgraded to XP it merely got warm, which is normal.
If the price throws you off then hold up, but if you want to spend alot of money then go for it; this seems to have the same specs (and appearance) as my laptop, however I got mine for a total of $660 (+$20 for a case) at Best Buy. I looked on their website and I can't find it 'cuz they're disorganized, but I'm sure they still have it if not a better version.
Alot of people agree that Vista Home Premium is a good Vista if not the best. This computer isn't the best for running Vista determining by specs, but I ran it just fine - I only (upgraded?) downgraded to XP because things will run better and I'm more used to XP. The only thing you'll miss is the looks, but you can just find some vista wallpapers/transformation pack somewhere and hallelujah if you don't get a virus.
I was very impressed by it considering how cheap it was - can't get any better at that price. One thing I noticed though is that it gets very hot if you're using Vista. I thought this would be kinda unsafe; when I downgraded to XP it merely got warm, which is normal.