That, is wrong beyond reason. Why in the name of all that is good do people dye their pets? (Aswellasdressthemupidon'tunderstandthatonebit) I mean you really think the dog or cat is "OLOLZ I GAWT BLOO FR I FEEEL SU SHPESHULFUL" Well...I guess to make them 'cute' It's stupid. I mean really. Who would want a pink dog? That's just weird. And not the good kind of weird.
I personaly find it wrong to dye your pets' hair. But that's just me..
I agree with Orca. Honestly how the owners feel if their skin was dyed blue or yellow! XD I mean I know thats not possible but still. Thats animal cruelty to me.
Oh because it makes them unique and adorable and look like something they are not so when you walk your dog on the streets lookin like a tiger some dudes gonna be like LOOK HUN A TIGER LETS SHOOT IT SO IT DOESNT KILL THAT KID and there ya go.
Sonic: Thanks, it took like an hour to get them all.
Okay, so it can be mean, I was just showing it to you guyzezz ;)
And btw, why the heck did you guys put a bunch of stupid smilies and deleted my pictures?! That took a long time to get-- personally, I think it's disrespectful. I don't want to start a flame, but that was mean.
Sonic: Thanks, it took like an hour to get them all.
Okay, so it can be mean, I was just showing it to you guyzezz ;)
And btw, why the heck did you guys put a bunch of stupid smilies and deleted my pictures?! That took a long time to get-- personally, I think it's disrespectful. I don't want to start a flame, but that was mean.