Ponylover wrote:Very nice!Though I'll need to move this to the Sig Shops and Galleries board, sorry. :P [It technically belongs there.]I'd also suggest submitting it in the banner contest.
Very nice!Though I'll need to move this to the Sig Shops and Galleries board, sorry. :P [It technically belongs there.]I'd also suggest submitting it in the banner contest.
And where might I find this banner contest?
Psy wrote:Geez, nice.This is proof of concept that you don't need a bunch of brushes and C4D's to make a great banner - simplicity at its best here, good job.In the "Game Mania" board there's a Banner of the Month contest you can enter it in if you wish.
Geez, nice.This is proof of concept that you don't need a bunch of brushes and C4D's to make a great banner - simplicity at its best here, good job.In the "Game Mania" board there's a Banner of the Month contest you can enter it in if you wish.
Thanks. I try to be original, and try to keep away from the C4D's.
just came by to say goodbye.Leaving this place for good.Psycho sucks.Bye.