I have a cheap crappy one that doesn't work for squat. (But my Mom got it for $7..) I think the good ones defiantly are good, mine can't hold up my slr well though.
I wouldn't trust anything named after a gorilla, and definitely nothing that looked like that.
I'd just get a normal one. I think this is what my dad has, it works great. My dad dropped it down a hill or something once and it didn't break either. Neat huh?
Thanks, guys. I don't think I'll get it. (...meaning the Gorillapod. I'm looking into the one that Psy pointed out though.) I'm trying to find something on Amazon that eligible for "Free Sooper-dee Dooper shipping" because it only applies for orders over $25 and the adapter/hood set that I really need is freaking $24.99. ONE CENT TOO LOW. I'd like to go with something under $20, though, cause I need some of my money for the spanky new filters that Best Buy is getting in soon. :D