face it all commercials now-a-days are dumb... OMJ.OMJOMJOMJ FOR THE LOVE OF JONAS AN OPINION. [i reallly like making fun of those people. XD] F-R-E-E THAT SPELLS FREE CREDIT REPOST.COME BABY SAW THERE ADS ON MY TV THOUGHT ABOUT GOING BUT WAS TOO LAZY
face it all commercials now-a-days are dumb... OMJ.OMJOMJOMJ FOR THE LOVE OF JONAS AN OPINION. [i reallly like making fun of those people. XD] F-R-E-E THAT SPELLS FREE CREDIT REPOST.COME BABY SAW THERE ADS ON MY TV THOUGHT ABOUT GOING BUT WAS TOO LAZY
i likes that commercial
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
face it all commercials now-a-days are dumb... OMJ.OMJOMJOMJ FOR THE LOVE OF JONAS AN OPINION. [i reallly like making fun of those people. XD] F-R-E-E THAT SPELLS FREE CREDIT REPOST.COME BABY SAW THERE ADS ON MY TV THOUGHT ABOUT GOING BUT WAS TOO LAZY
i likes that commercial
I hate that commercial. And now it's stuck in my head. ;_;
And Rush Limbaugh says that FreeCreditReport.com isn't any good, and that you should use SomethingElseThatIForgetTheNameOf.com Or maybe it wasn't Limbaugh. Meh. Someone on talk radio. :P Anywho, now that I've gotten extremely sidetracked, I'll get back on topic. But I have no idea what you were talking about anyway. -isconfusedandexhausted-
I LOVE RUSH! He rocks. I'm such a nerdy dork type thing when it comes to these things. D:
ME TOO. In biology, we had to read and summarize an article entitled "Why Christians and Conservatives Should Accept Evolution." And I was all mad, and then he assigned an essay on stem-cell research, and we needed two sources, and I was all, "Heehee. I'm gonna get one conservative source and one Christian source." So I got one from Rush's website, and one from ChristianWorldviewNetwork.com. I felt like such a rebel. </nerd>