oh wow -I remember Jojo saying she has a husky who she said was a girl, and Pinky proved her wrong by circling the uhm.. :D -I also remember LoveShepherd telling me my dogs were fake when I has over at least 5000 pictures of them combined. It was hilarious. And a lot more from him. -I remember GreenDayLover3 to an extent XD And N4L and D4E, she was such a..yeah. she didn't like me very much, put it that way. I don't think she liked anyone come to think of it. XD Weirdo she was. -I remember Pokemon_Sonic or whatever the heck her name was threatened to call 911 on someone. I nearly peed myself when I read that. XD -I remember people making alt-accounts just to start fights with me to get me banned. But that was the old me..that basically ate everyone. :D Honestly when I look back at that I think how stupid it was to be eating people on the internet and flame them for any reason I could have flamed them for. Ridiculous person I was back then. Man.