I guess you could maybe also classify this as a game, but I wanted to get the off-topic board moving. Feel free to move if it doesn't fit here. Sorry. D: Anyways, I basically give you a topic, you take a side, and debate on which is better.
Rules: 1. You must have good, logical reasons. They can be funny, but they can't not make sense (eg. But toast juggles bananas more often!). 2. They cannot be opinions. (Eg. But toast is yummier!) You may think it's yummier, but other people disagree and may think their thing is yummier, so keep your opinions to yourself. 3. You should put which side your on at the top of your debating post. Eg:
Toast blahblahblahdebatedebatedebate
4. All forum rules apply. 5. Sometimes the debates are strangely random. Other times they're of more common things, like bands. Either way, debate wisely. 6. No flamebating.
Pillowcases. You use them with pillows. You use pillows when you sleep. And sleep is good.
Also, pillow cases guard your pillows from drool. whether your dog wants to drool all over your pillow, or your dreaming about eating cake, pillow cases can help save yur pillows hopefully long-lived life.
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?