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Labrador_Luver wrote:

CollarGirl wrote:

So I don't have a good brain because I like Obama? I'm not smart for liking him?
How mature.

Both candidates are obviously smart enough to get the chance to run for president.

-- Edited by CollarGirl at 18:20, 2008-11-05

I'm trying not to be mean, buuut...

Tell me one smart, accomplishment he has done to be president, that I can't say is bs? xDD

I'll throw out one I hear all the time, he's in the senate.

You know how he got in the senate?
Because he "disqualified" the other canadate for some stupid reason, and had a whole bunch of liberals with him.

I have  a LOT of things to say to that that woudl not be said nicely at all, but I'm not going to because I have the feeling this will turn into a flame war if I did.
The thing that's annoying me is that everybody is just bashing Obama and being all, "Ohhhh, McCain would've done thissss, and done thissss, and been so much betterr. Obamas gonna ruin everythinggggg..." Well Obama's barely become president, so we'll just see what happens, okay? People who hate Bush now didn't know what he would do to make them hate him when they voted for him eight years ago. Obviously, some people actually LIKE Obama. I could bash McCain if I wanted, but I'm not going to because I know that alot of people like McCain and wouldn't appreciate my bashing. At least re-title the thread so that Obama fans know that this place is not for them.
Thanks and good day. :)

-- Edited by CollarGirl at 18:48, 2008-11-05


It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).

Rebecca is still alive.


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Labrador_Luver wrote:


RottyLover wrote:

I'm going to miss living in a capitalist democracy. Socialist communism, here we come.


I'm going on a rant.

Why was Obama elected?
One, because so many people were UNINFORMED. Why were they uninformed, you may ask? Because almost all the news media did anything and everything to elect barack hussein obama. If, oh lets say, Sarah Palin, was friends with Bill Ayers, not Obama, Sarah Palin would have been shunned by all of the democratic liberals, news media, and everyone.
But no. Its barack obama, he's special, nothing is wrong with his best friend is an unrepentive terrorist, that even said he wish he had bombed America worse.
 The news media were so...Oh I don't even know the word. They went all the way to Alaska, to dig up sh..crap, on Sarah Palin. They even dug up her DIVORCE PAPERS. wtf. But, did they go to where Obama lives, which is practically on there doorstep, compared to Alaska! If the news media wasn't so hypocritical, they would have thought that having special airplanes and helicopters, or whatever the crap they used would 'harm the environment' by their standards, or Al Gores. Wher did Al Gore come from? I dunno.

Two, most people who voted him, voted because he was black, or some other STUPID reason.
One, I heard on the news yesterday, was that someone decided to vote for barack obama by a COIN FLIP. Yes, a coin flip. This woman, who was undecided for who to vote for, flipped a coin on live TV. (The coin actually went outside her house, because it had no screens on the doors...I find that...ironic and funny.) The coin landed on heads, which she said was for barack obama. I say tails should have been barack obama, because obama has no brains AT ALL. You can't graduate from the top of your class from Harvard University not having any brains.

And then for the people who vote for Obama because he's "black and cooool". Those guys suck.
For one thing, I don't even think he's that black! In my opinion (Not yours, but mine) he is more muslim than "black". oh i totally agree, he's not black, people who say hes black are judging by his skin color man!

Like I heard a couple days ago with my own ears, "I like barack obama, and want him to be the pres. because I would like to see what a black person would have to offer as president."
Wtf. You could atleast hope for someone more qualified as a black president! Like, maybe Condoleezza rice? She's definatly more qualified, and with a good brain!

May I go on a rant about his issues now?
"Spreading the wealth"

That is socialism. Letting everything be equal. But with socialism, the people of the country are not very free. And freedom is exactly what America is about!
And how would Obama "spread the wealth"?
Oh, by taxing the wealthy, and letting the lower, and middle classes get even more lazy. The wealthy earn their money the HARD way. They went to school, did well, go to work, do well, work hard.
Lets say you got a small, neighborhood job, of raking leaves that just fell this autumn, and you get payed 5 dollars each yard you rake. Your rake 8 yard, you get 40 dollars for all the work you did. But then, the mayor of your town comes up to you, tells you "I'm sorry, but we must take some of your money, the kids over there don't have any, and its needs to be fair and equal." You looks at the kids sitting over "there", and they are sitting on the curb, doing noting, and some even sleeping! You end up with 5 dollars.
Now, how would you feel if you did all that work, but then your money got taken away? Hmm?
I know I wouldn't feel very happy about that. No, I would be ticked!

Obama's desicion to tax the rich is bad for another reason, the rich, who have worked hard, will probably not want to work as hard. Who would want to work hard, only to get more and more of you rmoney taken as the harder you work, in taxes.
If I was rich, and worked hard, but knew that now, the harder I worked, the more money got taken away from me, I wouldn't want to work anymore! So even if I work hard, just work, or dont work at all, I will lose money! THE RICH PEOPLE CAN AFFORD IT!
Why, you may say "if you just dont work, don't get taxed anymore, then you will GAIN money, from money the goverment gives you!"
Well, the goverment won't have any money, for long! Still, no body will want to work.
Well, there our economy will get even WORSE!

I think I'm done ranting now...hehe xDD

-- Edited by Labrador_Luver at 16:48, 2008-11-05


my three cents



that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome


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CollarGirl wrote:


Labrador_Luver wrote:

CollarGirl wrote:

So I don't have a good brain because I like Obama? I'm not smart for liking him?
How mature.

Both candidates are obviously smart enough to get the chance to run for president.

-- Edited by CollarGirl at 18:20, 2008-11-05

I'm trying not to be mean, buuut...

Tell me one smart, accomplishment he has done to be president, that I can't say is bs? xDD

I'll throw out one I hear all the time, he's in the senate.

You know how he got in the senate?
Because he "disqualified" the other canadate for some stupid reason, and had a whole bunch of liberals with him.

I have  a LOT of things to say to that that woudl not be said nicely at all, but I'm not going to because I have the feeling this will turn into a flame war if I did.
Thanks and good day.


It's gonna be a flame war anyways.



that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome


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Frederick-Alan-Grier wrote:

CollarGirl wrote:

Labrador_Luver wrote:

CollarGirl wrote:

So I don't have a good brain because I like Obama? I'm not smart for liking him?
How mature.

Both candidates are obviously smart enough to get the chance to run for president.

-- Edited by CollarGirl at 18:20, 2008-11-05

I'm trying not to be mean, buuut...

Tell me one smart, accomplishment he has done to be president, that I can't say is bs? xDD

I'll throw out one I hear all the time, he's in the senate.

You know how he got in the senate?
Because he "disqualified" the other canadate for some stupid reason, and had a whole bunch of liberals with him.

I have  a LOT of things to say to that that woudl not be said nicely at all, but I'm not going to because I have the feeling this will turn into a flame war if I did.
Thanks and good day.

It's gonna be a flame war anyways.

True that.


It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).

Rebecca is still alive.


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i knew no good could come out of politics.

screw it, i'm goin' to england!

-- Edited by xSamx at 18:53, 2008-11-05


German Short-Hair Pointer

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I apologize for possibly beating a dead horse, and if the things I say were already said, but it's my two cents.

I'm a McCain person too. Neither canidate was totally awesome, but McCain reflects my values more. Pro-life, thank you. Been serving our country for ages, he's done more than his part.

Obama? Let's look at his nonexistent track record! First-term senator! Boy, can't wait to have this guy running the country!

One thing that annoys me (besides the huge amounts of ignorance from a lot of his supporters) is the reverse-racism going on with Obama. People were freaking out over people who wouldn't vote for him because he's black. No one said anything about the people who would vote for him BECAUSE he's black. Those people outnumber the former, you have to admit.

Howard Stern (I'm not that fond of him, but he did an excellent experiment) wanted to find out if blacks were voting for Obama for his race (THIS IS UNDERLINED BECAUSE IT'S A LINK, SO CLICK IT TY). So they switched McCain and Obama's policies around, and went into Harlem to ask African Americans about it. They showed them McCain and Obama's policies on paper (switched around, so McCain had Obama's policies and vice versa). The people they asked overwhelmingly liked Obama better. Not because of his policies apparently, but because of his race. Sarah Palin? Oh, they loved her. Great choice. Once they found out the policies were switched? Some lame excuses about being confused. Here's the video.

Warning: Some strong language, use headphones or something.

The media is very biased, as well. Sarah Palin's reputation was shot down in a week thanks to the media as soon as she was introduced. Joe Biden? No one batted an eye. I can bet you 90% of the people our age who supports Obama knows CRAP about Joe Biden. Nothing about his policies, track record, nothing. Everyone just fire at Palin, right?

Palin has more experience than Obama! I hate it when Obama supporters say Palin's sooooo inexperienced when their own canidate has less experience.

Onto health.

A lot of Obama supporters complain about McCain's health, he's old, blah blah. McCain's 72, a few years older than Reagan was. Remember Reagan? That guy who took a bullet in his sixties? Yeah, that guy. Obama smoked marijuana in high school, and was a pack-a-day smoker before he decided to run for president. That has plenty of reprecussions.

Oh, and Obama's tax plan annoys me as well. Everyone talks about it like it's the best thing in the world, but in reality, Obama's spending plans show that he'd spend more than McCain.

The whole "95% of the people get a tax cut" sounds good on paper, but in reality it's the wrong way to go.

The top 5% of people in the US are paying 67% of the US's taxes. That's right. And those people who make $250,000 or more? Those are small business owners. The ones who employ half of our nation's working force. You screw them over, you screw our economy over even more. More taxes mean less money to expand, hire more employees, etc. They're already taxed over 30%, and Obama wants to throw an even bigger load on them.

That's all I've got to say for now, but overall Obama isn't my favorite guy in the world. I suppose it's more of his supporters that annoy me, most (not all, k?) are ignorant and don't follow the issues, but the crowd.

-- Edited by Lock at 19:03, 2008-11-05

-- Edited by Lock at 20:33, 2008-11-05




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My thoughts exactly @ lock :(
I liked McCain and Palin way better, and I'm sure most of Obama's voters were just black people who wanted a black president. Not to be racist, and I'm probably wrong, but maybe that's why we've never had a black presidential candidate before - voters would be unfair about it.


that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome

I lost to Psy

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Lock wrote:

I apologize for possibly beating a dead horse, and if the things I say were already said, but it's my two cents.

I'm a McCain person too. Neither canidate was totally awesome, but McCain reflects my values more. Pro-life, thank you. Been serving our country for ages, he's done more than his part.

Obama? Let's look at his nonexistent track record! First-term senator! Boy, can't wait to have this guy running the country!

One thing that annoys me (besides the huge amounts of ignorance from a lot of his supporters) is the reverse-racism going on with Obama. People were freaking out over people who wouldn't vote for him because he's black. No one said anything about the people who would vote for him BECAUSE he's black. Those people outnumber the former, you have to admit.

Howard Stern (I'm not that fond of him, but he did an excellent experiment) wanted to find out if blacks were voting for Obama for his race (THIS IS UNDERLINED BECAUSE IT'S A LINK, SO CLICK IT TY). So they switched McCain and Obama's policies around, and went into Harlem to ask African Americans about it. They showed them McCain and Obama's policies on paper (switched around, so McCain had Obama's policies and vice versa). The people they asked overwhelmingly liked Obama better. Not because of his policies apparently, but because of his race. Sarah Palin? Oh, they loved her. Great choice. Once they found out the policies were switched? Some lame excuses about being confused. Here's the video.

Warning: Some strong language, use headphones or something.

The media is very biased, as well. Sarah Palin's reputation was shot down in a week thanks to the media as soon as she was introduced. Joe Biden? No one batted an eye. I can bet you 90% of the people our age who supports Obama knows CRAP about Joe Biden. Nothing about his policies, track record, nothing. Everyone just fire at Palin, right?

Palin has more experience than Obama! I hate it when Obama supporters say Palin's sooooo inexperienced when their own canidate has less experience.

Onto health.

A lot of Obama supporters complain about McCain's health, he's old, blah blah. McCain's 72, a few years older than Reagan was. Remember Reagan? That guy who took a bullet in his sixties? Yeah, that guy. Obama smoked marijuana in high school, and was a pack-a-day smoker before he decided to run for president. That has plenty of reprecussions.

Oh, and Obama's tax plan annoys me as well. Everyone talks about it like it's the best thing in the world, but in reality, Obama's spending plans show that he'd spend more than McCain.

The whole "95% of the people get a tax cut" sounds good on paper, but in reality it's the wrong way to go.

The top 5% of people in the US are paying 67% of the US's taxes. That's right. And those people who make $250,000 or more? Those are small business owners. The ones who employ half of our nation's working force. You screw them over, you screw our economy over even more. More taxes mean less money to expand, hire more employees, etc. They're already taxed over 30%, and Obama wants to throw an even bigger load of them.

That's all I've got to say for now, but overall Obama isn't my favorite guy in the world. I suppose it's more of his supporters that annoy me, most (not all, k?) are ignorant and don't follow the issues, but the crowd.

-- Edited by Lock at 19:03, 2008-11-05

exactomundo exactly!!
I agree 1000 percent, heh.

Y'know what I find weird? Most jobs, when you apply for them, you have to take some type of test so that the employer knows that your experienced enough to have that type of job.

But, for the one of the most important jobs in the USA, there is no test, nothing.
imo, there should be a test, before the people even know who is planning to run, and have the future candidated take the test, show that they have the basics of being president, and then the people should get their opinions.

Thats just something I've thought up lately, probably stupid and all, but I like the idea...xD

Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?

Supa Savy Moderator

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wow nice points everyone. if there's something you wanna say, just say it. it doesn't have to be a flame war.

just putting it out there that Obama is not just black. He's white too. His dad was part Kenyan and his mom was part Hawaiin. But he was raised by his grandparents, whom were white.

It's sad that half the ppl who voted for him, didn't know he wasn't fully African-American.

I just really hope Obama can pulll through for us, because what's done is done now and we really don't have a choice.

Still wish McCain would've won though.

-- Edited by Puppylover16 at 19:34, 2008-11-05


hayleywilliamssig-1.png picture by Vanna16
My pain and all the trouble caused, no matter how long, I believe that there's hope buried beneath it all.


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For those of you who're pissed because you think Obama got all these votes because he was black, think about all the votes McCain got because he wasn't the black candidate. They actually did a poll on it (if you would/would not vote for a candidate because he was black) and the votes cancelled each other out because although there was a portion of people who would vote for someone just because he was black, there was also a large number of people who WOULDN'T vote for a candidate because he was black.

Just saying.


It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).

Rebecca is still alive.

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