I'm not a megapixel fanboy >:( But we do big prints and the occasional heavy cropping, so I appreciate it more than others would.
I can't disagree with the fact that Nikon's menus are better, and yes, they are more beginner-friendly.
The XS is about the same price as the D40, depending where you get it from. The DIGIC III processor gives it a clean interface, not to mention the XS is quite a bit newer. Image Stabilized Kit lens (Psy I still think hand-holding a 3-second exposure is impossible), and ten megapixels is noticeable difference between six, whether you would use them or not.
Don't forget Canon's lineup of excellent lenses, and a large selection at that (EF and EF-S, booyah!). Personally, I like how Canon allows you to get a beginner body and begin to build up a collection of lenses. With the D40/D40x/D60 line, you may have to upgrade to get an in-body focus motor to get access to the AF lenses. If you're not planning to get that many lenses, that's alright, but it's something to think about. Lens-wise, Canon gives you more growing room.
But, there's no "wrong" choice. No doubt you'd be more than satisfied with either choice. I'm just rooting for Canon ;)
I'm reallllly leaning towards the D40 right now. It's not that expensive either..I might go for it. :D
GOGOGOGOGOGOGO Don't listen to the Canon fanboys/megapixel enthusiasts :D
XDD I was looking at a review on YouTube, and it looks REALLY simple and easy to use. I think it'd be good for me, because I'm still learning and whatever, I think it'd get me more into photography than with the point and shoot camera I have now. I've had it for two years and I've been wanting to upgrade for a while.
It's very easy to use. There's even a little flashing question mark, and if you hold down a button it suggests something... like if you're in low-lighting it'll say you should use flash. It has a good menu and the in-camera editing is fun to screw around with :P
There's barely even a noticeable difference. You'll notice it a bit in prints but that's it.
-- Edited by Frederick-Alan-Grier at 18:47, 2008-11-11
Yeah I saw that. It's good for newbies. :D XD
Yeah I saw the D40 compared with the D80..not even a difference. Like at all. I should find it..
The leap between point-and-shoot to DSLR is huge, and improvements beyond that are incremental. The only real upgrades between a consumer-level body and a high-end body would be the noise control, megapixels and frames-per-second. Beyond that, I find it pretty negligible.
Lenses, however, are a much different story. The difference between a kit lens and say, one of Canon's L lenses can be pretty big, but the kit lens is capable of taking great pictures. The L lenses can provide even better pictures, but that doesn't mean the kit lens is any less great.
It all comes down to the person looking through the viewfinder, though! ;)
..this basically turned into a camera discussion thread..XD My dad has a canon rebel...it's...pretty... I've played with it but it kind of confuses me...dunno if I'd get a rebel if UI ever get a new camera...
..this basically turned into a camera discussion thread..XD My dad has a canon rebel...it's...pretty... I've played with it but it kind of confuses me...dunno if I'd get a rebel if UI ever get a new camera...
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
I won't deny its menu interface isn't as user-friendly. But personally, I have no problems with it... I've never needed a menu to tell me to use the flash or not. Familiarizing oneself with terminology and such over a few months helps.
I know ten times more about photography than I did a few months ago. Surfing a few photography forums helped.