- 2.Dress comfortably. In the first trimester, you'll likely be able to fit into your normal clothes. Towards the third month, you'll feel like you're retaining water. You might be able to pass this extra weight off as fat.
- 3. Buy baggy clothes. Into the second trimester, you'll start gaining weight more rapidly. Be prepared to dress in much larger, baggier clothes. If sweatpants and large hooded sweatshirts aren't your usual attire, start dressing in them early so that people will be accustomed to your new wardrobe later when you have no choice but to wear them every single day.
- 4. Be realistic about the future. Once you've really started to balloon, you'll have to consider your options. You can become a hermit, move away, take an extended vacation, or just spill the beans. By this point, if you're not excited about sharing the news of your baby with the world, you might want to ask yourself why you're trying so hard to hide it.
- 5. If you are a teen who is afraid of sharing the news with your boyfriend, parents, teachers or friends, don't worry. Don't try to hide the pregnancy. Talk to your guidance counselor, clergyman, trusted adult or police department and seek help. You don't have to go through it alone.